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This international survey has been conducted yearly since 2011 to compile an overview of the way in which engineering educators see the impact of new technologies on their teaching.
It started with the Engineering Education Report that analyzed the most promising technologies during the years 2011 to 2015.
This Web-based platform facilitates the analysis of the impact of new technologies on engineering education and gathers the opinion of engineering education experts to create visual comparisons of the results. The analysis offered by the platform is cross-discipline, cross-country, cross-continent, and cross-technology comparisons.
Education is a challenge for any educator. At the end of twenty century, and mainly in the last ten years, telecommunications, computer science and electronics have vertiginously evolved influencing the way the people think, act, communicate and learn.
Currently, technology has become part of the social growth of any human being. Educators should also follow these changes and advances, and update the old learning methodologies by incorporating the new learning technologies.
Many technologies are nowadays impacting the way we teach and learn. As an example, new mobile devices (e.g., smartphone and tablet) improve student engagement in both indoor and outdoor activities, with applications such as mobile augmented reality. New motion sensors and image recognition are giving rise to applications with more natural interaction methods, helping non-technical users to interact with computer-based systems as in the case of new generation video consoles. Also social networks and web 2.0 tools give students a more active role inside their own education becoming educational prosumers (i.e., producer+consumer).
The main functionalities of the platform are:
Gathering of experts predictions, including their opinion about the new technologies, its impacts, needs and challenges in the engineering education process.
Automatic creation of cross comparison using the data gathered from the experts. The analysis provided are:
Cross-disciplines analysis. The platform allows comparing the vision of several engineering disciplines to find gaps and differences in their needs.
Cross-country analysis. The platform supports comparing the technology predictions given by two countries, including global predictions, challenges to get the impact and needs.
Temporal analysis. The platform allows comparing the technology predictions given in different years. This functionality allows analyzing the evolution of different technologies along the time.
The platform has the following objectives:
Become a point of communication and meeting for the educational community, on the development of the new technologies for engineering education.
Become a tool where researchers can analyze technology meta-trends and flow evolution.
Become a guide for educators about new ways of teaching and learning.
Dr. Sergio Martin (smartin@ieec.uned.es) is an Associate Pprofessor and researcher in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UNED (Spanish University for Distance Education) since 2006. He finished his PhD in 2010 receiving several Best Thesis Awards. He is very interesting in anaylizing the evolution of learning technologies, so that he started this project in 2011. He is also very involved in the coordination of the NMC Latin American Horizon Reports and the NMC Technology Outlook: STEM+ Education. He has participated since 2002 in national and international research projects related to virtual and remote labs, Internet of Things, augmented reality, mobile devices and ubiquitous technologies as well as in projects related to "e-learning" and new technologies applied to distance education. He has published more than 200 papers both in international journals and conferences, being awarded with several Best Paper Awards. He is a board member of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society. He also participate as committee member and technical reviewer for several international journals and conferences.
Dr. Russ Meier is a Distinguished Teaching Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineering from Iowa State University. His teaching and research interests include embedded systems, evolvable hardware, the use of complex adaptive systems in digital architectures, and computer architecture. He has a 20 year history of teaching excellence at the undergraduate and graduate levels. His teaching skills have been recognized with an Iowa State University Teaching Excellence Award, the Iowa State University Warren B. Boast Award for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, and the MSOE Oscar Werwath Distinguished Teacher Award. Dr. Meier maintains professional memberships in IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society, the IEEE Education Society, the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), and the ASEE Educational Research and Methods division (ERM). Dr. Meier serves the engineering education community in a number of ways. As the IEEE Education Society Vice President for Conferences and Workshops, he works with colleagues from around the world to establish, plan, and maintain engineering education professional development events. He serves on the Steering Committees of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), and the IEEE Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering Education Conference (TALE). He is a voting member of the IEEE Education Society Administrative Committee and the Strategic Planning sub-committee. He is the IEEE Education Society Milwaukee Chapter Chair and a voting member of the IEEE Milwaukee Section Executive Committee. He was the FIE2007 General Chair and served eight years as the FIE Faculty Fellows Chair. Dr. Meier has been recognized by his peers for his service to engineering education with the 2009 ASEE/IEEE FIE Conference Ronald J. Schmitz Meritorious Service Award, the 2009 Engineers and Scientists of Milwaukee Young Engineer of the Year Award, the 2010 IEEE EDUCON Conference Meritorious Service Award, the 2011 IEEE Education Society Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award, and the 2011 IEEE Education Society Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award. The International Society for Engineering Education awarded Dr. Meier the title International Engineering Educator Honoris Causa for outstanding contributions in the field of Engineering Education and for dedicated work as an engineering educator.
Dr. Manuel Castro has a PhD in Industrial Engineering. He is a full professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (DIEEC) of the Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED). His research interests include learning-enhanced technologies, with a special focus on engineering education. He belongs to the organizing committee of IEEE EDUCON, IEEE FIE (International and Europe Chair, 2000-2006), ISES, TAEE and SAAEI conferences and is a member of program and planning committees and a reviewer and chairman for several committees. He is co-chair of the conferences EDUCON 2010 (Engineering Education Conference), TAEE 2010 (Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica) and ICECE 2005 (International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education). He is co-chair of the conference FIE 2014 (Frontiers in Education Conference) to be organized in Madrid, Spain, by the IEEE and the ASEE. He is co-editor of IEEE-RITA (Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje) and of the Electronic Journal of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society. He is a Fellow of the IEEE (for contributions to distance learning in electrical and computer engineering education) and Vice-President of IEEE Education Society as well as member of the Administration Committee (AdCOM). He is the founder and past chair of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society and chair of the IEEE Spain Section (2011-2012). He has been awarded the 2010 Distinguished Member Award of the IEEE Education Society, 2009 Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award of the IEEE Education Society, the 2006 Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award, and, for collective work within the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society, the 2007 Chapter Achievement Award and the 2011 Best Large Chapter Award of the IEEE Region 8. He is Vice-President of the Board of the Spanish International Solar Energy Society (ISES).
Esther Lopez-Martin . Department of Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education II, UNED. Esther López-Martín received a degree with honors in pedagogy and a Ph.D. in science of education (Extraordinary PhD Award) from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). She has been a visiting research fellow at Teachers College, Columbia University (New York), and at Helsinki School of Economics (Finland). She is currently a professor at the Department of Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education II of the National University of Distance Education (UNED). She belongs to the Education System Measurement and Assessment Research Group of the Complutense University in Madrid, and to the Systems of Psycho-educational Guidance and Competencies of Guidance Practitioners Research Group of the UNED.
Alexis Moreno-Pulido UNED Library. Alexis Moreno-Pulido received the library science degree from the University of Salamanca. He has worked in the Library of the Cervantes Institute in Manchester, in the Department of European Studies of the Senate, in the Spanish ISBN Agency, and in the National Library of Spain. He is currently responsible for the UNED´s North Campus Library, where he carries out research support and bibliometric advice for decision making. His research interests are focused on the evaluation of research activity using bibliometric indicators and innovative approaches to information literacy instruction.
Web Site Designer
Juan Lopez. Spanish University for Distance Education - UNED (Spain)
Supported by
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica, Control, Telemática y Química Aplicada a la Ingeniería) of the Spanish University for
Distance Education (UNED) http://open.ieec.uned.es/web Researchers of UNED have more than twenty years of experience covering different developments in the areas that have been included in this project,
within the so called Technology Innovation frameworks and their applications. We have taken part in R & D projects with research staff of
the four areas of knowledge that compose the Department: Electronics Technology, Telematics Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Industrial Control and Quemistry applied to Engineering.
UNED, the Spanish University for Distance Education, is the only state-run Spanish distance-learning university and it is the largest
university in Spain. Since 1972, UNED has been a centre of excellence throughout the world with the aim of making higher education
accessible to anyone. UNED is one of the largest European Universities with around 220,000 students, most of them adult students, and
near 1,500 teachers. Its main focus is on distance learning (using all communications media) and continuous education. UNED delivers
degrees on most disciplines including Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Humanities, Arts and
Letters. UNED delivers also many open courses for continuous education, having more than 30,000 more students. UNED is the only Spanish
University of National scope and distributed along all Spain. In the last years UNEDs particular teaching methodology incorporates
intensive and extensive use of multimedia and communications.
Milwaukee School of Engineering is a private, non-profit university offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering, business, mathematics and nursing. The university has a national academic reputation; longstanding ties to business and industry; and extremely high placement rates and starting salaries. The faculty, staff and students are committed to fostering a higher standard of academic programming and research, personalized service, instruction and guidance. Teaching comes first at MSOE. Every class (which average 21 students) and lab is taught by seasoned faculty members. These faculty mentors interact with their students to provide a hands-on, applications-oriented curriculum where students apply theory in practice as they build products in the laboratory. MSOE students average 600 hours of laboratory experience. In fact, MSOE has more labs than classrooms—and they’re all available to undergraduates. Graduates are well-rounded, technologically experienced and highly productive professionals and leaders who are highly sought-after. Learn more by visiting www.msoe.edu
IEEE Education Society http://ieee-edusociety.org
The IEEE Education Society is an international organization that promotes, advances, and disseminates state-of-the-art scientific information
and resources related to the Society's field of interest and provides professional development opportunities for academic and industry
professionals. The Education Society's FIELD OF INTEREST is the theory and practice of education and educational technology involved in the
effective delivery of domain knowledge of all fields within the scope of interest of IEEE.
Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society http://www.ieec.uned.es/webIEEE/Cap_esp/IEEE_Cap_esp.htmThe Spanish Chapter of theIEEE Education Society aims to be the meeting place in Spain for professionals who both from the university and from the company work and share our areas of interest: educational methods, educational technology, pedagogical materials and content, history of science and technology, and development of educational and professional programs in electrical engineering, computer science, and related disciplines.
The eMadrid Network is a project funded by the Government of the Region of Madrid, which promotes research and development of technologies to support learning (Technology-Enhanced Learning). Coordinated by the University Carlos III of Madrid, it has as partners the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and UNED, having other universities and companies as associated entities.
The authors acknowledge the members of the IEEE Education Society, IEEE Computer Society, the ASEE Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM), and the ASEE Engineering Technology Division (ETD), as well as the following Conferences and Journals paper authors and Conference attendees for their participation in the survey (IEEE EDUCON, IEEE FIE, IEEE LWMOOCS, IEEE EDUNINE, IEEE TALE, IEEE ToE, IEEE TLT and IEEE-RITA). The authors also acknowledge the governing boards of the IEEE Education Society, IEEE Computer Society, ASEE ERM, and ASEE ETD, for helping us conduct this survey.