Arranque proyecto europeo IoT4SMEs


Arranque proyecto europeo IoT4SMEs

Con fecha de 1 de Septiembre de 2015 arranca nuestro proyecto europeo IoT4SMEs (Internet of Things), bajo el programa de la Comisión Europea Erasmus+.

UNED albergará el Kick-off meeting del proyecto en Madrid el próximo 5 de Octubre para sentar las bases del desarrollo del proyecto en los próximos años.


The IoT4SMEs project has been designed in order to raise awareness among European Companies and Professionals about the potential of IoT technologies and to give evidence of their applications. The project finally aims to create VET qualifications for professionals, being IoT developers or users, and training them to adopt and manage IoT devices and applications.
The IoT4SMEs partnership involves 9 partners coming from 6 different countries (France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain).
The main outputs of the IoT4SMEs project will be:

  • an analysis of the training needs and of the professional skills related to IoT technologies and applications;
  • the design of VET Qualifications in the area of IoT, based on the European Lifelong Learning instruments (EQF, ECVET and EQAVET);
  • the realization of IoT didactic demonstrators, deployed as remote laboratories, where to experience how IoT based tools can work;
  • a collection of interview and showcases, demonstrating real applications of IoT technologies and applications;
  • the production and delivery of training courses aimed at achieving the VET Qualifications;
  • the realization an IoT Handbook, including best practices and suggestions for the adoption of IoT based devices and applications.

Web del proyecto


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